Campo de lava representa el paisaje del llamado Malpaís grande, en Fuerteventura. La silueta del volcán de Tiscamanita, al fondo, rodeada por kilómetros a la redonda de lava negra, confieren al lugar un siniestro encanto que alude a fuego, a humo y a coladas de lava incandescente.
Arena sobre lienzo. 100x73.
250 euros VENDIDO
We bought a great icture from Mr. Losada in Juerteventura, El Cotillo. The problem was the transportation. Our carrier, it was condor, did not allow to take the icture in the cabin. Everybody knows, if you ut such things to the luggage, you dont know in which kind of shae you get your icture back. After a few e-mails with Mr. Losada, we transfered the money for the icture, transort and shiing directly to him. after one week we got our icture here in Munich. Mr. Losada acked it very well. So, there were no damages on it. Thank you, Mr. Losada, every was working fine.